Kindle-countdown deals for November 5-12th, 2014 Marked down to only 99 cents!

Two of my artist & poetry chapbooks are currently marked down to only 99 cents from 11/05/14-11/12/14.

Those books are: “Lavender Surprise.” and “Do not cry me a river of crocodile Tears.”

For a look at Lavender Surprise (2013) by Emily Sturgill please follow this link HERE:

For a peek at “Do not cry me a river of crocodile tears.” Follow this link HERE:

Both of these ebooks will be reduced to just 99 cents the entire countdown time! All I ask is if you do buy one or both, could you please consider leaving me a review on my Author’s page at It’s “”

Thank you for reading this!

Help Wanted: Poets please apply…

I am just tumbling the idea of a collection of poetry of some of my own poems, but also publishing some poetry of some of my friends. I am unsure of how to go about doing such an anthology? Especially as far as earning any profits…To be fair, I am not looking to cash in on anybody elses’s talents. Instead I like the idea of several of us poets coming together and creating a self published anthology of poetry MORE for self-expression and Self-exposure, publicity if you will….It’s just an idea in the rough.

But I am thinking maybe X amount of poets & 3 poems each + a short auto-bio of each poet and links to other published works or links to poets blog or website…

If this idea appeals to anybody please send me a sample poem and an email introduction to:

If I edited this type of book for kindle I would probably price it very low like .99 cents for the ebook.
I’m not too sure if this even interests anybody? But I know some of the poets i follow here have yet to be published. Perhaps being included in an anthology would give them the well needed push to self publish their own stuff.

My proposals is simple-email me a single poem and the first 20 poet’s poems I receive will be asked to be part of this collection. Deadline is whenever I receive 20 entry emails or let’s say the Summer Solstice June 21st Midnight EST. If you are selected-via-I receive 20 poems-I will email those poets ASAP and you will need to submit just 2 more poems and a short auto-bio poet statement.

Well then, let see if there are any fishes biting? Let the Games begin!!

Upcoming Sale on Kindle Starts Tomorrow…Lavender Surprise

Starting tomorrow at 8:00 AM PST, my kindle e-book “Lavender Surprise.” will go on sale being reduced from it’s original price to a mere 99 cents.This is a direct link:

Lavender Surprise
A chapbook containing both poetry and artwork by the Poet/Artist/Author. The poems are in a vein of surrealistic poetry. There is both color and black and white artworks. It is roughly 35 pages long. It is the Author’s seventh chapbook this year. (2013)

New Facebook page for Sex in the kitchen Sink

Follow me on facebook please!Picture 149 Warming up with color abstract 2 Fall 2013 Spirals of Song and other poems book cover1 Picture 161 Warming up with color abstract 1 Fall 2013 Abstract oil pastel drawing 99 cover design for words whirl 2013 copy Falling to pieces by EHCato 1999 IMAG0893 IMAG0898 IMAG0897 Art before words new front cover copy back cover art before words3 copy self portrait 05012013 Picture 94 Acrylic mixed media pumice gel painting 1996 canvasboard Spirituality, acrylic and sand on canvasboard 1996 possible coverart1 copy Athena wiccan11 IMG_20130330_093258

Nervous kinetic Energy

Nervous Kinetic Enegry,

spirals out of the life of me.

Once had nerves of steel,

but now long gone-

so damn nervous, tell me this time-

what did I do or say wrong?


A Lady called me today.

Straight out of the big blue.

A person-a somebody-I didn’t knew.

She was asking about a job application I made-

nearly seven weeks ago…


She was pop-quizzing me,

as if I would recall the exact details

of the job or company.


I have been applying to so many…

its easy to lose track

its easy to lose track fast.


She almost scheduled the interview with me,

but something made her pause to say,

can i give you a call back???


I am left holding the bag,

wondering if I blew the whole thing already,

or if she will in fact call back,


Gosh, I hope so…I am sitting on pins and needles.

Way too much kinetic energy-

with no-place, to go.


I just know, that by now,

its high time, that I finally get a job.

I really need a job Now, not yesterday

nor tomorrow, but right away

in the present moment,

in the blink of an eye

and the wink of my tongue.


I need me some gluing

so I do not become

completely unraveled-

completely undone.


For a friend

My friend E.S.P just released her first book on yesterday. She is a young and newly published author. I have published a short story of hers before on my blog- it was called “The Arms.”

Please check out her new title, a sci-fiction book by going to this link here:

You can learn more about this author by checking out her blog here:

For a friend

A friend of mine from Good Reads is publishing her very first book this summer.

I think if you click on the link, the blog for the book speaks for itself here is a link:

Check it out to see if you maybe interested. If you are please sign up to follow her blog. Thanks, guys.

Artist Talk Registration ends soon!!

I’m hosting an Artist Talk & Artist workshop at The Art Experience in Pontiac MI on Tuesday June 25,2013. The event will take place between 6:00pm-8:00pm. They are asking that people interested please register in advance by June 18, 2013- go to:   to register.

The topic will be on “Recovery in Mental Health through the use of Art-making.” I will give a presentation based on my own personal account of living with bipolar disorder/manic-depression for over two decades. And how this has impacted my Artwork and ultimately led me onto a path of becoming an Art therapist. Then there will be a short Q and A followed by an Art Demo of two different watercolor resist techniques. Lastly the participants will be invited to create their own artwork. All supplies are included in ticket cost-of $20 per person.

Please click on the two links above for more info:

You can also visit

Flyer Art Talk no 4 copy Art photos 1.17.13 024 IMG_20121228_161438 IMG_20121228_161333 IMG_20121228_161319 IMG_20121228_161305 an abstract acrylic painting ,music,2012Artist Talk flyer no

New and upcoming free kindle promo days:

Starting today June 15, 2013, my very first collection of poetry and Artwork is free to download off of’s kindle. It is called,”Sex in the kitchen sink: Poetry and Art.” The promo will last 5 days from today 6/15/13-6/19/13.cropped-cover-art-1-copy1.jpg

Here is a direct link to download a copy:


June 22-26th, On the brink: Vol One will have a free download promo on kindle.
June 26-27 Art before words will have a brief 48 hour promo.
June 28-July 2 On the Brink : vol 2 will have a free kindle download promotion.
July 4-July 8 Mythology seen through metaphor: word salad 1.5 will be on promo.
July 13-July 17 Dreamcatcher and other poems, will have a free promo period on kindle.
August 16-August 20th Butterfly Rimmed eyeglasses and the trouble with Tuesdays will be also availoable to download for free.
August 25-August 29, 2013 There will be a free kindle promotion of the poetry and art chapbook called, “Lavender Surprise.”

To take advantage of all or any of these free promo days please visit my Authors page at – that link is :

Also it would mean the world to me if you do download something, even if its free, would you consider leaving a review on for me? Reviews help me piece together,
areas in which i need improvement or areas that i excel at. Reviews also help me in general during the non-promotional periods with other potential readers or buyers of my work.

Just simply giving your opinion is easy enough to do. And even if itsa negative review, there is something i can learn from. If it is a positive review, even better!!! Just be honest and speak your mind, whatever you think, it would help me a great deal!!! I am still very new to self-publishing. And even new to blogging-i only started this blog in nov 2012.

It was a nice suprise when other writers started subscribing to my blog! I was thrilled to even have 20 followers-now i have lost count-but quite a few. My readers in what inspired me to publish my first artist and poetry chapbook, ” Sex in the kitchen Sink: poems and artwork .”by Emily H. Sturgill. If you have not read it, get a free copy today!!cover art 1 copyAbstract watercolor 2013 Rantings 1 bookcover front cover word salad 2013 dreamcatcher and other poems coverDreamcatcher_and_oth_Cover_for_Kindle BookCover Rantings and Ravings paperbook vol2 image024 Lavender Surprise cover13 cover for art art art before words noback cover art before words3 copy Picture 94 new hairsyle may 1 2013 by Leah

Excitement drips through the air:

Excitement drips through the air;

like liquid curiosity.

Excitement lingers sweetly,

like a musky perfume I cannot get rid of.

The waiting is like walking on eggshells.

The cliches are rampant,

filling my head with half-truths,

and half-forgotten phrases.


Waiting for my phone to ring (again)…

Hopeful that maybe, just maybe,

it could be good-no wait-great news!!!


The excitement comes in waves-

tension, built of nervous energy, and anticipation,

for the unexpected….


They called me once, and I missed their call.

I gave a call back and left a message.

Will i hear back before 5 pm?

I really do not know, slipping and sliding,

onto the edge of anticipation.


The question remains, will i finally get

a job or not???