Upcoming Kindle Countdown deals

Sale still ongoing-deals now!!


Four of my poetry & artist chapbooks will be on kindle-countdown sales starting Friday March 27, 2015.

The first is called,”Lavender Surprise: poems and artwork”

Book Description

March 12, 2013
A chapbook containing both poetry and artwork by the Poet/Artist/Author. The poems are in a vein of surrealistic poetry. There is both color and black and white artworks. It is roughly 35 pages long. It is the Author’s seventh chapbook this year. (2013)
It was be on a 99 cent reduced price promo from 3/27-4/3/15. To buy a copy please go HERE:http://www.amazon.com/Lavender-Surprise-Emily-Sturgill-ebook/dp/B00BT4QBDG/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
The second is called “Mythology seen through Metaphor: word salad.”(2013, Emily Sturgill.) This will also be reduced to just 99 cents from 3/27-3/31/15. To learn more follow this link HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Mythology-through-Metaphor-Emily-Sturgill-ebook/dp/B00B4YM5GS/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
The third is called, “Butterfly-rimmed eyeglasses and the trouble with Tuesday.” To check that out click this link HERE:
That one will also be reduced…

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Free ebook Promos Starting March 26-March 30 2015

Free Downloads Still available-


Three  Free Artist and Poetry Chapbooks by Emily Sturgill will be available starting tomorrow Thursday March 26, 2015.

The first one was my first self-published art and poetry chapbook, “Sex in the kitchen sink: poetry and artwork.” (2013. Emily Sturgill)

To download a FREE copy visit this link HERE:

The second one was written around Earth day and is called, “Once, I was Rain.”

The third one is called “Red Bones.”

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Anthology Ebook updates-get two for the price of None!! Free Promos!

I recently just wrapped up final revisions to my second Poetry Anthology, “Dredging up Demeter: An Autumn Anthology.” Edited by Emily Sturgill (2015) I also submitted the manuscript to become an on-demand paperback with http://www.createspace.com. The paperback version will be 8 x 11.5 and 62 pages long with colored images. It is looking like the price will be only $16.99, which is lower than I was anticipating! Anyways, to celebrate the release of both the paperback & the revised ebook, I am offering the kindle version as a free promotional download starting April 2, 2015-April 6, 2015.

This second anthology would have never in a million years occurred to me if it were not for the success of the first Anthology project I did along with 19 other poets last May, called”Help Wanted: Poets please apply.” (2014) Edited by Emily Sturgill. So I am also going to offer that one up for free download too! Starting April 1,2015-April 5,2015. So you can download both these  two wonderful ebook anthologies of poetry for FREE at no cost to you.

HERE are some links for both anthologies:

This is the first anthology “Help Wanted: poets please apply”:

This is the second anthology “Dredging up Demeter.”:

The 1st is regularly priced at 99 cents. The 2nd is priced at $3.33 but the first week in April both will be FREE to download.

In exchange for being FREE, I am just tossing it out there that all my poets worked very hard on each book so if you do download either one it would be very lovely if you submit a review of one or both anthologies. Some of my poets are being published for the very first time and feedback on their work would be very appreciated by them. I would also appreciate feedback on either title. After you download either book, you can use the same links above to submit a review I believe? These collections are both very diverse and unique created by very talented poets. I am so proud that they allowed me to publish their material. Anyways, they are both equally wonderful and you should consider downloading them to check out these poetry collections.

Lastly this is a sneak peek at the paperback book cover for the new anthology: UPDATE As of 3/27/15 This paperback is available at the Createspace Store HERE is a link to buy:



BookCoverDreging up DemeterPreview


The mythology behind being female

The Mythology behind being female:

Emily Sturgill

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Mythology behind being female:

We are taught from the time

we are very little that what matters most

is how you look on the outside

not how you really feel.

Are you pretty enough?

No, well then we have lots of stuff

let’s add some eyeliner, lipstick and a bit of blush.

Do not dress like a tomboy or wear your sweatpants

outside the house.

Do not forget to paste a smile and pretend it’s all better

because all those teardrops darling

will turn to rust

because it’s the outside the matters most

it’s the pastel shingles on your exterior house

do not show them your true colors

don’t display fear like a mouse

don’t throw tantrums like children do

it’s unbecoming beneath the beauty

of you.

The Mythology behind being female:

Do not forget to paste a smile and pretend it’s all better

because all those teardrops darling

will turn to rust.

The mythology of being female

suggests a magical facade, and a white picket fence.

Girls should never get angry, defensive or dirty.

Girls should always play nice.

But sometimes the wildness in me

unleashes a feminist and I feel

like my exterior has cracks, my mascara runs, I get angry

I cry easily, I put on those ugly sweatpants

and I refuse to act lady like.

I embrace all my curves, the ones I was “taught”

are called ugly or fat.

The Mythology behind being female:

Sometimes despite the Mythology of being Female

I get annoyed, I get outraged, and I fight back.

against all the stereotypes that say

I should always put others first.

I should always play nice.

I should look pretty

and put a smile of my face.

because sometimes even when

I am trying to blend in

even when I am attempting to be

the ideal perfect version of me?

sometimes I just do not care at all.


Do not forget to paste a smile and pretend it’s all better

because all those teardrops darling

will turn to rust, then what comes next?

Nobody likes hanging out with a hurricane.

Nobody enjoys an un-lady like version

of crass, profane, selfish, uncompassionate

messy looking, emotional lunacy

a loud version of profanity

and ultimately a vulgar shadow

of a hysterical woman

this collides with the Mythology of being



Moody Music and black coffee…

Moody music & black coffee

as I rush up

the morning greets me.

Mother in laws

unhappy & her screaming

gets to me.

So I put on a CD of Goth type

moody music & drink black coffee

if I hide upstairs she won’t see me

if i hide upstairs I can pretend

she’s not so unhappy, bristling & angry

at the whole entire everything of her own

personal story & her history.

She is sick right now which

darkens her sky even more

and with all that yelling

she is difficult to ignore.

But I realize you cannot make others happy.

and no matter how hard I try to please

it’s just going to blow up in my face

it’s never going to work out

with her argumentative personality

nothing I say can count.

Also, matter of fact I am sick right now too,

but she lacks the empathy or understanding

that others can also feel sick, no she has to be,

the one worse off & the complete

center of attention.

It bothers me of course-

that I can never catch a break with her.

She lacks the empathy, I once assumed was

a natural part of every single lady.

But she was cast from a different mold.

I try to make her happy but only to

a certain degree because I realize

happiness is virtually impossible

for her, unless she changes her mind

and decides too-to be happy?

Misery is more what’s on her list

& misery loves company-

so she tries to drag me in-into her dramas,

that is why I hide myself

behind a staircase

behind some moody music

and I drink my black coffee

thankful that I am mostly happy

most of the time, anyways.

She is old beyond her years.

She is loud beyond belief,

and I think she needs some happy pills

because she never has relief.

Moody music & black coffee

as I rush up

the morning greets me.

Upcoming Kindle Countdown deals

Four of my poetry & artist chapbooks will be on kindle-countdown sales starting Friday March 27, 2015.

The first is called,”Lavender Surprise: poems and artwork”

Book Description

March 12, 2013
A chapbook containing both poetry and artwork by the Poet/Artist/Author. The poems are in a vein of surrealistic poetry. There is both color and black and white artworks. It is roughly 35 pages long. It is the Author’s seventh chapbook this year. (2013)
It was be on a 99 cent reduced price promo from 3/27-4/3/15. To buy a copy please go HERE:http://www.amazon.com/Lavender-Surprise-Emily-Sturgill-ebook/dp/B00BT4QBDG/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
The second is called “Mythology seen through Metaphor: word salad.”(2013, Emily Sturgill.) This will also be reduced to just 99 cents from 3/27-3/31/15. To learn more follow this link HERE: http://www.amazon.com/Mythology-through-Metaphor-Emily-Sturgill-ebook/dp/B00B4YM5GS/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
The third is called, “Butterfly-rimmed eyeglasses and the trouble with Tuesday.” To check that out click this link HERE:
That one will also be reduced to just 99 cents and its promotion will also run from 2/27/15-2/31/15.
Last is my book called “Spirals of Song.” To learn more go to this link HERE:
It will also be reduced to just 99 cents from 3/27-3/31/15.

Free ebook Promos Starting March 26-March 30 2015

Three  Free Artist and Poetry Chapbooks by Emily Sturgill will be available starting tomorrow Thursday March 26, 2015.

The first one was my first self-published art and poetry chapbook, “Sex in the kitchen sink: poetry and artwork.” (2013. Emily Sturgill)

To download a FREE copy visit this link HERE:

The second one was written around Earth day and is called, “Once, I was Rain.”

The third one is called “Red Bones.”


Everyone’s a critic

Everyone’s a critic

they show their shadow side

unleashed behind the teeth

of a fake smile

they look at what you say, make or do

then they say it could’a been

oh so much better!

I understand and fully believe

in constructive criticisms~but please don’t

tell me these things I make or create

simply don’t work out

or that they plainly suck

when you remind me of the

back seat driver.

When was the last time you actually

made something yourself?

Or created something out of thin air?

Or molded some words into a poem, or a story?

Or made some snazzy drawing-still counts even if

it was made out of lunacy.

Don’t slam me for my efforts.

It’s unfair.

It’s not constructive criticisms.

It’s more like your just unimpressed

with any of my mundane efforts.

Why are people so quick to focus

on failures, or negatives or the bad & the ugly?


Love me gently…

Love me gently…

Love me loyally, love me silently and love me strongly.

Love me boldly.

Love me because you dare

to know me.

Love me gently…

as we whisper quietly.

Love me loyally, love me truthfully and love me dearly.

Love me as if you cherish me, even on the days you

do not.

Love me gently, love me with laughter and love me strongly.

Love me boldly.

Love me because you dare

to know me.

Because I will love you back

with all of my insanity, all of my sincere cracks in stability, somehow

I will channel all of my wildest moods

into the form of deeply loving you

and I will always be there

unless I get lost, on my way

of trying to come home to you.

I will love you loudly, soulfully and soundly.

I will love you gently too..

despite anything that comes between

me and you.

For you are my man & the only one

who really understands.

please just don’t stop

loving me, love me gently

so I do not break in half

like a cracked broken doll or

an empty ocean shell

please love me gently

and I will love you back,


& completely

(although that probably sounds a bit creepy-it’s not, it’s just my way of talking-to say that I love you with everything I got…)

By Emily Sturgill 3/25/15



Sadness grabbed there first.

Sadness grabbed there first

before I know what she was.

Sadness grabbed my heart She left

a white marked


along the paths of veins and arteries.

ghostly fingers imprinted her mark

of fine woven sandy fingerprints

of the shadow of

an invisible sadness.

Sadness was a secret sister to me

she held me silently

even on all the days

I wept both crazy and madly.

Sadness she was with me

through everything

almost at all.

She cast a sudden sharp shadow

upon my happiest moments and

memories-She colored the most beautiful of days

into grayness colored ashes

the cremation of happiness

into an ugly urn

only I could see, while because Sadness

She touched me first there.

She grabbed my small heart

and left a lingering loneliness,

She left a longing for

teardrops unspent

a lingering romance

with her own tormentor and invention

a man in a blacken smog suit

some call

by the name
