The Stranger in my Mirror.

Picture 149      Sometimes Shocking to see,

the Stranger in my Mirror, who looks like Me. I recall younger days, thinner versions,

Once upon a time, I was most likely,

just as cocky as Miley-

just not as famous.

What do you do? Once you lose that smooth small stomach,

the perky C bra breasts, the stride in your step, the seduction upon your hips,

the fullness of your lips, when the age of youth disappears,

and you become a M’mam instead of a Miss?

When you look into the mirror, and a stranger sits?

Glaring back at you, dimly-reminding you faintly,

that beauty lies in the beholder-instead of the girth of your thighs.

I am blessed to look many years younger-than I really am.

It’s a trick of my Mothers gene pool.

Wrinkles and gray hair do not scare me-no way-anyway.

I really do not mind.

But sometimes, I look at the Stranger in my Mirror-

and can’t help but think,

I am rocking middle age, despite my Venus Size.

I can still feel beautiful even when there is,

a media war, a rampage of BMI’s, a negativity upon

the average woman who is judged to be

“Plus-sized.” I can still feel my beauty, when my husband

looks at me that way, he once did all those years ago,

into the land of yesterday.


Check out my other blog on google

This poem, I wrote today about my husband. We’ve been together now almost 13 years, married barely 2.

He is one of those strong silent types. It drives my apes#$! But what can I do? I am in love, still very much with him. I try to accept him as he is. He’s not going to change. And being private its not necessarily a bad thing. It just frustrates me, when i know something is upsetting him but he wont tell me what. so yeah, i wrote a poem about that. The link above is a safe one it’s just my other blog. Some of the poems are different, some are on repeat. it’s a newer blog-so it does not have all the tons of posts this one does. Alrighty then. Check it out. let me know whatcha think???!!!digital art 9 emily and dean 2002

You ate what???


rock and roll…
and, here we go;
Beauty Queen,

aged by Gravity-
expanded by:
personal growth

and swallowing whole,
an entire
personal fitness coach—-gulping them down whole-
gulping them down

snake-wise style.

clearly, the only explanation,
for jumping jacks for numbers between,
size 3-23.

What has happened to the REAL ME?
Did I eat her entirely and completely,

Never Once a Beauty Queen,
much more,
a Beauty Scream.

Nothing shocks like
Lightening Rocks.

Long day…

it’s been a real long day..

and my brain feels like its fried,

my mind is filled with random cuss words,

and swears, i just hate everybody today.

ever have one of those days? When everything started, out on

a sour note, flatten,off key-off pitch, and of course it all continued to crash,

down on me, since there, a clang of thunder, a loss of appetite,

a bad mood, which only gets worse, fueled by not enough food,

and too much vice, coffee, smokes, apathy and spice.

Just randomly feeling like i got up off the wrong side of the bed today.

Except, i didn’t. I was fine until you left the house for work, entirely pissed off at me.

I cannot stand it when you are so very angry and critical,

your beautiful blue eyes stab me,

with their glare.

I am left in fragments, scattered like the victim of a hurricane,

i became displaced, by that one angry, evil

look on your face.

I let it ruin my entire day. and it’s not fair, it was not even an argument,

like grown ups have. Instead it was you, getting pissed off and leaving in a huff and a rush.

I have that angry look you gave me imprinted visually onto my brain- like the X on a pirates map. Instead, of treasure, i get to know, i somehow effed up and wronged you again…is it any wonder why i could not even eat any food today? 

You left me in shambles, and in low-self-esteem.

When you get mad like that, i feel like a victim, like i am under attack-

Except No, you won’t let me be a victim, because you are way too caught up in always being the injured party, your own self. So no, clearly you are the victim, who i have destroyed with my passive apathy. Real adults i have heard, can talk stuff out without the temper tantrums without all the painful drama. There is something some folks called compromise. But you won’t be familiar with that shit. It’s always your way or the highway. I know this,but i love you despite it.