Beauty is rare

Bare cleavage

and messy hair-

needs a washing

sultry in the heat

but she no longer cares.

To pimp and to prep,

to look glamorous and less


It’s in a moment-

she can recall

that the youth of her beauty,

has abandoned her all.

Her everything, as middle age, settles in.

Relief comes in too and acceptance,

that the rarity of true beauty resides-

not only in a body, but in her heart, soul and mind.


You ate what???


rock and roll…
and, here we go;
Beauty Queen,

aged by Gravity-
expanded by:
personal growth

and swallowing whole,
an entire
personal fitness coach—-gulping them down whole-
gulping them down

snake-wise style.

clearly, the only explanation,
for jumping jacks for numbers between,
size 3-23.

What has happened to the REAL ME?
Did I eat her entirely and completely,

Never Once a Beauty Queen,
much more,
a Beauty Scream.

Nothing shocks like
Lightening Rocks.